Animals can be wonderful companions for elderly loved ones. They have been shown to calm agitation, alleviate loneliness, and even lower blood pressure. A family pet can be the best friend that your senior really needs.
However, despite their benefits, there are a few things you should consider before signing the papers on the cute little pooch you just found. Yes, your senior will have home care services to help care for their furry friend. But is this the right breed – or even animal – for them
Helping Hands Hale is here to give you a few pointers to ensure that the pet you choose is the perfect companion for your loved one. Take a look:
- Breed is not everything
Yes, chihuahuas are cute. But they may not be the right breed for your senior. Your pet’s personality, size, maintenance needs, and energy levels should match up to that of your senior’s. - Consider adopting
While most of us love puppies for their cuteness, they may not be the right fit for your loved one. Puppies tend to be more energetic than older dogs, and this may be difficult for your senior, even with the help of a Home Care Service Provider in Hawaii.
Adopting an older dog means that the pet will already have developed a well-defined personality. So check your local adoption centers.
We hope these tips will prove handy when it’s time to choose a pet. If you are worried about your loved one’s ability to take care of them, don’t worry, our Healthcare Service Provider in Hawaii can lend a hand. Just give us a call at 808-747-2273!