When you have senior family members, you would truly want to care for them yourselves, right? It’s like our time to give back to our parents and elderly loved ones for all the years they have reared us.
As a premier Home Care Service Provider in Hawaii, we recognize the worthy goal of caring for our aging loved ones. For this reason, we salute every family caregiver, as we fully understand the burden of their responsibility. We acknowledge ourselves as your dependable partner in this care duty, so we would like to share this important reminder: always promote your senior loved one’s independence.
This sense of independence may seem trivial for us when we’re still younger and abler to do things anytime we want. However, when illnesses come or when age-related ails start to disrupt our normal functioning, we begin to feel downhearted. This is the reason that having a sense of independence, even as simple as being able to dress, is very empowering to your senior loved one.
When you promote your loved one’s elderly independence as a Healthcare Service Provider in Hawaii, here are the benefits they can enjoy:
- The sense of dignity is regained. When the elderly individual feels that they’re being respected for their own choices and preferences, it boosts their confidence and happiness, helping them to live a quality life.
- They are able to work on their sense of control. When your aging parent knows that you’re giving them as much freedom as is safe for them, they know they’re still in control of their choices. This inspires them to work towards their recovery or improved well-being.
- The level of self-esteem is heightened. When the senior family member is able to comb their own hair, brush their teeth, or feed themselves, they would regain their sense of confidence about what they’re able to do. This confidence increases their self-esteem and adds to their happy disposition.
- The sense of fulfillment is attained. When your granny knows that they have not been disturbing others with small tasks as taking a drink or getting up in bed, there’s a level of fulfillment that grows in their hearts and enables them to enjoy their aging years.
These are just some of the myriads of benefits that you can contribute in the aging years of your loved one when you simply allow them to be themselves. But of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to leave them all alone. This simply means that you will be there to provide support and ensure their safety when the activities are no longer possible for them to attain, such as lifting grocery bags, moving furniture, or cooking their meals.
When being a family caregiver needs to take a break, that’s when our team at Helping Hands Hale can help you make the caregiving work out. Our highly qualified staff can step in for you and help promote your aging loved one’s independence, health, and safety.