It is unfortunate that painful events can happen to the vulnerable members of our community – our seniors. Elder abuse refers to any action, both intentional and not, that creates risk or harm to someone 60 years old and above.
Elder abuse leads to physical and emotional effects on our senior loved ones. With the right care, abuse can be prevented before it starts.
Getting a trusted home care service provider in Hawaii ensures your good faith. Helping Hands Hale make sure the senior receives the care and services we have agreed on providing.
As your healthcare service provider in Hawaii, we provide the family members or designated contact person with updates on the senior patient. We also encourage family members and friends to openly spend time with their loved one.
Our home care services are provided to make sure caregivers receive the support that they need. Taking care of a loved one can be overwhelming which can have its toll on the primary caregiver. There must be outlets to promote emotional well-being. Counseling encourages caregivers and family members to understand what is happening and appreciate that help is available.
The caregiver and the senior have their own challenges. Listening to understand their concern is an important step that should not be missed in planning out the care program that can benefit everyone involved.